Calipers can be divided based on the type of joint between the legs: there are firm joint calipers (friction joint calipers), spring calipers, transfer firm joint calipers and adjustable firm joint calipers. They can also be divided on the basis of their function: if they are intended for transferring external dimensions, such calipers are called outside calipers, if they are intended for transferring internal dimensions, such calipers are called inside calipers, if they are intended for marking a line parallel to an edge, such calipers are called hermaphrodites or odd leg calipers. Odd leg calipers can be adjustable or solid point. There are also combined calipers that can transfer both internal and external dimensions. If they are intended to convey and mark a distance, then they are called divider calipers. As you can see in the pictures, here you can download the inside, outside, odd-leg and combined calipers but all models are with firm joint or spring joint.
We’d like to avoid any lengthy comments, because there is a lot of material about these tools and the ways you can use them in technical books and on the Internet. Even on our site you can find short instructions on how to use some types of calipers. You can use our 3D models in a number of ways, choose the 3D caliper model you need and click on the appropriate link below.