In this category, we will be publishing math art 3D models, as well as 3D models that you can use to create them yourself.

A large number of inexpensive 3D printers and free 3D printing software have appeared on the market. As a consequence, a large number of people have taken up printing various objects on the basis of modeled 3D models. 3D printing models can be useful, decorative or unusual. Math art models fall into the third category, i.e., they are odd-shaped 3D models created in 3D graphics software based on the polyhedron or various other mathematical surfaces. Math art 3D models generally have no practical value when printed; some of them might serve as decoration, or to make jewelry or futuristic sculptures. If you like 3D modeling, then math art models can help you make more complex 3D models, practice specific software by trying to draw them, practice rendering them, or create abstract or futuristic desktop backgrounds. Because it is very interesting to model math art 3D models,  and the obtained 3D models, at least to us, are very nice too, expect some of them to be modeled and published here every once in a while; they will be ready for download, and some even 3D printer-ready!


If you need an interesting math art 3D model shaped like a sphere, then this 3D model of the Voronoi sphere may serve you.

If you need a 3D model of the trefoil knot, on this page you can download two versions of this interesting 3D surface.

On this page you can download 3D model of a biscribed hexpropello dodecahedron.


Here you can download a 3d model of a polyhedron known as biscribed propello dodecahedron.


Here you can download one 3D model of the Clifford torus, as well as three 3D models obtained by deleting certain surfaces on it.

The 3D model that you can download here is based on a mathematical surface called the ‘Clifford torus’ by making simple manipulations in 3D software.

Here you can download a collection of 3D models, descriptively called Cube Blocks and Attractor Point and generated by parametric modeling.

Here you can download a cylinder-based 3D model that you can import into 3D printing software and print it if you like.

This is a 3D model of a Dini surface that is defined in mathematics as a surface with constant negative curvature.

This is a free 3D model of a Dodecadodecahedron (nonconvex uniform polyhedron ). Index references U36, C45, W73.


Here you can download 3D model of a dual geodesic icosahedron 8.


This is a 3d model of a polyhedron known as dual snub hexpropello dodecahedron.


Here you can download 3D models of the Enneper surface, including Enneper surfaces of higher dihedral symmetry (of higher order).

Here you can download two similar 3D models called ‘Genus 3 Rind 3D shapes’.

In the picture there is a 3D model that is called the ‘Genus 6 3D surface’ and offered for download here.

A simple 3D model of a Great Dodecahedron. Index references U35, C44, W21


This is a free 3D model of a Great Dodecahemidodecahedron. Index references U70, C86, W107


If you need a 3D model of a great dodecicosacron polyhedron, it can be found here.


This is a 3d model of a polyhedron known as dual snub great icosidodecahedron. Index references U54, C70, W94.


Here you can download 3D models of the following three different mathematical surfaces: helicoid, hyperbolic helicoid, and a surface obtained by transformation of the helicoid into catenoid.

Here we have put at your disposal a 3d model of a polyhedron known as hexpropello dodecahedron.


The geometric figure you can download here is called the ‘horn 3D surface’, apparently for the reason that it is very similar to the horns of some animals.

As you can see in the picture, on this page you can download a 3D model of the Klein surface, mostly known by the name ‘Klein bottle’.

If you like unusual math art models, in the picture you can see one that originated in TopMod software based on an octahedron.

In the picture there are three 3D models that you can download here. To create all of them, we used the great dodecahedron as the initial 3D model.

Here you can download five math art 3D models, whose common feature is that they all  originated from the initial 3D model of the truncated icosahedron.

If you like mathematical art, on this page you can download two free 3D models called ‘math art polyhedron structures’.

Here you can download a 3D model of a Medial rhombic triacontahedron. Index references: U36, W73; Type: Star polyhedron.


This is a surface 3D model of the Mobius strip  (also spelled Moebius, Möbius strip, also band, or loop).

This is a simple 3D model of the surface of a nautilus shell, one of the most known examples of the appearance of mathematical curves in nature.

Here you can download 3D model of a rectified truncated icosahedron.


Here you can download three 3D figures created on the basis of 3D models of infinite loop 3D surface.

Here you can download 3D model of a small dodecicosacron. Index references: U50, W90.


A simple 3D model of a small hexagonal hexecontahedron. It is a nonconvex isohedral polyhedron.


A 3D model of a Small rhombidodecahedron. It is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron. Index references U39, C46, W74.


This is a very simple 3D model of a Small triambic icosahedron.


On this page you can download two 3D sphere models which we have descriptively called ‘spherical rind 3D shapes’.

Here you can download a 3D model of a sphere with a stereographic projection of Cartesian coordinate grid. We called it Stereographic sphere 3D model (Stereosphere 3D model).

This is another torus-based math art 3D model that we managed to create in a very short time using TopMod software.

This is a very simple 3D model of a Truncated Dodecahedron. It is an Archimedean solid. Index references U26, C29, W10.


On this page you can download a 3D model of a truncated great dodecahedron. It is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron. Index references U37, C47, W75.


On this page you can download a 3D model of a Truncated triakis icosahedron.


Here we have put at your disposal a 3d model of a polyhedron known as truncated triakis octahedron.


These are two 3D models that have been drawn based on a well-known surface which mathematicians call the ‘Mobius strip’.

If you like the Voronoi diagram, here you can download 3D wireframe and mesh models of various surfaces that are generated using Voronoi patterns, i.e., formed by Voronoi cells.

On this page you can download a 3D model of a Voronoi sphere with planar surfaces.