In addition to the Eye of Horus symbol, the Ankh has become one of the most popular symbols that originated in Ancient Egypt.
Here you can download a digitized version of an Ancient Egyptian symbol – the Ankh (also known as breath of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata (Latin: cross with a handle)).
The Ankh hieroglyphic character is read as "life" or “key of life”. Most probably it was a symbol of eternal life and rebirth and, as such, often worn as an amulet. Ancient Egyptians used this symbol to decorate their tombs. In the paintings and reliefs on the tomb walls, the pharaohs and other deities are depicted holding the Ankh in their hands.
The Ankh design is available in 2D CAD (dwg) and vector (svg i eps) file formats.
In addition to the Eye of Horus symbol, the Ankh has become one of the most popular symbols that originated in Ancient Egypt.
Submitted by Ceh Jan