In this collection of vector images you can find 26 well-drawn design elements related to multiple themes.

As you can see in the picture, we have included stylized flower designs, modern and abstract designs, simple ornaments... They can be used as part of more complex designs or turned into freeze patterns, borders, and the like. We believe that the collection is of good quality and that everyone will certainly be attracted to a few of the designs, if not more. All designs come from old books and magazines and are over 100 years old.


Collection of design elements
Pattern category
Free vector categories
Available file formats

Vector (.svg and .ai) or CAD (FreeCAD (FCStd), Rhino3D (3dm), IGES, STEP, dwg and dxf) file formats


To view, edit and modify this collection of design elements, we recommend some of the free 2D CAD (NanoCAD, Solid edge 2D drafting, QCAD…) or vector graphics editing software (Inkscape, LibreOffice Draw…).

We have found these design elements in some old books. Should you be positively inspired by their beauty, it will not be difficult to use them in your projects. Within the 2D CAD file is only the outline of design elements, and within the vector files  there are colour variants,  as well as  the outline of each design element, so that you may paint them to your liking.


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Download SVG vector file format
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Download DWG file format
Download DXF file format

Submitted by Ceh Jan


Vector tags

Vector collectionsDesign elementsGeometricStencilsRound designsRectangular designsFramesSquare designsHistoryHumanBook decorationsArchitectural patternsGrotesques & creaturesFrieze patternsMammalsSilhouettesLeaves & treesBirdsScrollsSymbolsFurnitureTessellation patternsFlowersCorner designsObjectsInsectsFamous peopleTiles and mosaicsSignsLions & catsLattice patternsPalmette (Anthemion)HeraldicMathematical patternsRenaissanceWomenStained glass patternsArch-shaped designsShieldsRibbonsMoulding profiles