For the first pattern was stated: Trinagular interlacing band for diaper for parquetry ot other inlay.
The following was stated about the second and third pattern: A combination of cubes formed upon the hexagonal lines, in black, white, and gray marble, was a favourite form of pavement in the last century. It is, however, a very objectionable pattern, from its representing the cubes as if in perspective with one angle standing up, - thus losing the character that pavement should have – that of looking flat and even for walking upon.
In the book it was stated (and you can see for yourselves) that these are three diaper patterns, i. e., repeating patterns intended for mosaic making. Of course, you do not have to create a mosaic with them, but you can use them in various other ways in your work.
As always when we draw a diaper pattern within the file is the segment of pattern with which you can draw a pattern of any size.