Native Americans (also known as American Indians) are indigenous peoples who are believed to have come to America from Siberia via the Bering Land Bridge (Beringije). They had lived throughout the Americas until the arrival of English, Spanish and French colonizers in the 15th century. With the arrival of colonizers from Western Europe who considered them uncivilized, the extermination of Indians began through the deprivation of fertile land, massacres, wars, deliberate infection with diseases to which they were not resistant, which has resulted in today's situation where Indians are either assimilated or live in reserves in great poverty. The destruction of their traditional life has caused severe sociological problems, alcoholism…
It is mostly a very sad and shameful part of human history that is hardly ever mentioned in the world. We strongly believe that you will like this simple illustration of the Native Indian chief, and we want you to make sure that it won’t be used in a negative context whatsoever, purely out of respect for the bad fate of Native Americans in general!