In-ground mount system is also known as embedded column mount system and represents a permanent mounting. It is very convenient for public spaces that are often subject to theft and vandalism.
The problem with this method of installation lies in very large expenses if you need to replace the structure or move it to another place. In-ground mount system is suitable for mounting outdoor structures to surfaces such as ground, concrete or asphalt.
In-ground mounts are rarely used to directly ground-mount structures because the ground is soft and with time the wind force and the softness of the ground (especially in the rain) can cause the structures to slant or fall over. To avoid these negative effects, outdoor structures are built into a concrete footing which is set into the ground. The concrete footing with its weight and overall dimensions keeps the structure stable and prevents the adverse effect of wind and other forces that may act on the structure.
Due to the impact of the elements, external forces, wind vibrations, etc, after some time the column could be quite easily removed from the concrete footings. To prevent this, the structure should be further ensured by a perpendicular anchor rod.
On the next picture you can see the In-ground mount system.
In ground mount installation process:
1. Find a level area in which to install the outdoor structure.
2. Mark with color or wooden stakes the locations where the structure’s legs will be placed.
3. Dig holes on the marked locations. Fill them with some granular material for drainage purposes.
4. Place the structure in the dug holes. Ensure that the structure is level and plumb.
5 Fill the holes with concrete. The concrete around the structure’s pole should have a slope to allow the water to flow away from it and the concrete surface should be smooth. Wait until the concrete has cured, at least 72 hours before use.